COVID-19 Update: An Message from LandPaths

Category: Uncategorized

By LandPaths Staff

March 13, 2020

We, at LandPaths, continue to be deeply concerned about COVID-19 and its local and global impact. We continue to monitor local, regional, and national updates. And we are in active dialogue with staff and volunteers about how to keep our community safe while being as healthfully engaged as possible.We hope that you have been able to remain safe and healthy as well. 

Be assured that we’ve been in touch with Representative Jared Huffman’s office to make sure that we are following the letter of the law, and to explore how we might safely provide access to nature in support of your mental and physical wellbeing. An update on this important topic will be forthcoming.

As of Tuesday, March 17 at midnight, a shelter-in-place ruling is in place across Sonoma County through April 7. We move through this fluid situation fueled by a deep love for place and people. We also stand squarely on the shoulders of good science. Wilderness First Aid training has taught us the importance of calmly assessing a situation, taking the time for clear thinking to determine the best course of action and then moving in that direction. Nature is deliberate and beautiful. May we be more like nature.

We are implementing the following COVID-19-driven policies through April 7, and if the situation calls for it, beyond that time.   

 Self and Community Care Recommendations: 

  • We believe fervently in the importance of self-care. 
  • While the shelter-in-place order calls for us to limit our time outside, it also says that going outside to be physically active is an essential activity. When you do go outside – whether to bike, hike, or walk in nature – be sure to practice the recommended social distancing (six-feet minimum) and proactive personal hygiene, including hand-washing. 
  •  If you are ill, please stay home to protect the safety of our community and your own well-being.
  • We believe that all members of vulnerable populations should heed CDC recommendations to stay home. Per the CDC, this includes people over the age of 60 and anyone with serious, chronic medical conditions like diabetes and heart or lung disease.   

 LandPaths’ Program Care: 

  • All previously scheduled gatherings, programs, group stewardship days and potlucks are cancelled until further notice. 
  • The LandPaths’ office is closed. 
  • All staff are working remotely or under safe, socially distanced conditions at our various nature and agricultural preserves.
  • We are actively working on how our preserves can support community wellness.
  • We are actively working on how our social media resources can support community wellness. 

Please know that we are currently engaging in daily internal discussions to determine whether visits to our nature preserves, and our three community food and flower gardens might be of benefit to mind and body. Such visits would follow all prevailing science and health expert recommendations on preventing the spread of COVID-19, while ensuring the safety of visitors, staff, and volunteers. 

As we continue to assess the situation and brainstorm ways to support our community, we encourage you to stay connected with the outdoors: This might be limited to the view from your window, time in your garden or yard, a walk through the neighborhood or a local regional park, which remain open to the public. The rising light of spring can temper the anxiety stirred by these uncertain times. 

Let’s continue to cultivate a love of the land, and support each other, however we can, though this current crisis. We can’t do this alone (even as we remain six feet apart).   

To our individual and community (people, animals, all life and the land) health,  

Craig Anderson, 
Executive Director

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