Individual Giving

Donors like you support LandPaths’ mission to foster a love of the land in Sonoma County.

Read more about our programs and impact in our latest Annual Report.

We offer many different ways to contribute. Find the donor level that works for you, and discover even more ways to make an impact.  

One-Time Gift

Your personal financial contribution can be made online at any time. 

Make a tax-deductible one-time donation 

Donate Today

Prefer to send a check? Please send to 618 4th Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95404

Recurring Monthly Gift

Sustainers Circle donors are the backbone of our funding. Make your gift recurring and support us throughout the year. Your monthly gift or annual gift helps LandPaths effectively budget and ensures sustainable, stable support. You can update, change, or stop your donation at any time by contacting us at 707-544-7284 ext. 100 or by email at [email protected].

Make a Recurring Gift

Employer Match Programs

The next time you donate to LandPaths, double your gift! Ask your employer if they will match your donation dollar-for-dollar. Many companies will match an employee’s donation to a nonprofit.

Give from your Family Foundation or Donor- Advised Fund

If you have a Family Foundation or Donor Advised Fund, please consider a grant to support the work of LandPaths. To learn more about the specific programs that are in alignment with your philanthropy goals, contact Claire McMurtry at 707.544.7284 x 106 or [email protected]

Gift of Stocks and Securities

Giving appreciated investments (shares of stock) is an excellent way to both support our mission and potentially save on your taxes. Donors take a deduction for the full market value (with some limits) and don’t pay capital gains on the appreciation.

Give from your IRA or Retirement Plan

Make an IRA charitable rollover disbursement. If you are over 70-1/2 your gift counts towards your minimum mandatory distribution, and is reduces your taxable income by the value of your gift.

Sign up for eScrip

Many local shops and restaurants will make a contribution to LandPaths based on your purchases. Sign up for a community card and designate LandPaths as the recipient on the eScrip website. Pick up a card at participating markets and register online. Or register your phone number or payment cards at the eScrip website to get credit whenever you shop. Local participating businesses include: Oliver’s Market, Molsberry Market, Petaluma Market, plus over 30 restaurants in Sonoma, Marin and Napa Counties.

Amazon Smile

Lend your Amazon shopping to a good cause! Make sure to bookmark and use and register LandPaths as your preferred recipient. Amazon will contribute 0.5% of every purchase to LandPaths. It’s easy and doesn’t cost you extra! 

LandPaths is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tax ID 68-0328590 We will not share your information.

Stories + News

Stories from the Field

Read the latest on the connections with the land and nature made possibly by your generous gift.

Nature is So Cool! An interview with Youth Field Specialist Mich Swannucci

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Mich Swannucci has been a Youth Field Specialist at LandPaths for a little under one year and we already can’t imagine our Rooting Youth in Nature initiative […]

Reflections on the Queer Forestry and Fire Program

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The closest sound to me is my handsaw cutting through the wood of a small Douglas fir tree, the next sound the wind bustling in the canopy overhead and through the tall dried grasses surrounding me, more distant the sounds of laughter and conversation from those working around me, beyond that the consistent call of the foghorn from the bay. These sounds surround me as I work in the Ocean Song grassland, homeland of the southern Pomo, alongside the twenty-five other individuals who participated in the Queer Forestry and Fire Program. These are the sounds of community, connection, and care for the land and each other that we created in this program. 

What Happens Now? A Letter from Executive Director Craig Anderson to Friends of LandPaths

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The results of the U.S. presidential election, one week ago, sent shockwaves through our community, neighborhoods, and families. It makes a person pause, and it certainly should. At a time when it seemed there was momentum to move ahead, for many people what seems a U-turn has emerged, surrounding us. Click one of the tags above to read the entire post.

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